Thursday, 19 February 2015

Research into chosen genre

Research Into chosen genre

Our chosen genre is comedy, we have chosen this genre as we believe this is the best genre for us as a group as we feel that we know most about this genre in comparison to the other genres. We feel as though our film is most similar to run fat boy run as our is a comedy as stated above but also we feel we share the same sort of story line therefore we have researched into what makes run fat boy run as good as it is. We believe it is due to the different types of things they say, the characters often say one liners that make the audience laugh which is what we aspire to do. Also we believe the clothing is key to making our film funny as in this film they dress the characters to make them look funny e.g. the small tight shorts, baggy old t-shirts. Therefore we think that we it is important to make our characters look funny.

Also, the video that is placed to the left is a video of a scene in run fat boy run that we believe sums up why it is funny. Even though the storyline is rather simple it is however very effective. The simple but most humorous part is when the security guard is chasing the transsexual as the use of the facial expressions from the security guard makes people laugh as it is rather strange. Also the constant laughing and use of dramatic music makes people laugh as it is not seen to be normal therefore it makes people laugh.

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