Friday 20 March 2015

Questionnaire Results

Key Details

Gender: Male

Age: 25 - 39

Professions: Entertainment, Media and Publishing, Information Technology

Monthly spare £: Less than £125

The ideal person of which watches a movie similar to ours is a male aged 25 - 39 and from the midlands. But the target audience of which we would like to aim for is the aged 15 certification, this is so that people aged above can watch the movie, but also, so that people aged 15 can watch the movie as we believe that this is the age group that would be enticed into our movie.

Questionnaire results

 Most popular results...

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Favourite comedy: Shaun of the Dead and The Hangover

Certification Rating: 15

What location do you prefer: School

Do you like Sports comedies: Yes

Do you enjoy films with Failure: Yes

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